Thursday, September 26, 2013

On being a good mother

Yesterday afternoon Anna began to vomit numerously into the evening. Then, in the middle of the night Luke woke up coughing and proceeded to vomit through the night. So basically I had two sick, needy, and clingy babies and very little sleep.  Sound familiar?

Being a mother is hard. Wait, let me rephrase! Being a GOOD mother is hard! It literally takes every fiber within you and forces you to surrender all to these little sinners in training! I had been struggling on contentment in the home, and today I finally had a revalation! 

Anna had just woken from her nap, and she was hungry as always. So I put her in her high chair and began to scoop some steamed rice into her lil pink plastic bowl. As I was walking toward her, it dawned to me that I was serving a waitress, like a servant. Then The Lord connected the dots! I have had a hard time with being home, because I was now called to literally serve my children. To wake up and feed them, change them, love on them, listen to them, talk to them, play with them, serve them, teach them, them, them, them! Darla in the flesh is all about serving myself! Take care of number one! 

It all makes sense now! The battle is dying to myself. Working diligently in my lil quiet home with just my two babies where there is no applause, no pats on the back, no raises, and basically no audience but my littles. It is not about working hard for the show of it, now it's about working hard with integrity of the calling of being a godly mother. Now that I have the right perspective, I am so pumped to start afresh! For His mercies are new Every morning! (Lamentations 3:23) I am so inspired by Job, who faithfully got up early to make sacrifices for each of his children. Who regularly interceded for his children with no witness but The Lord! Not looking for the title or recognition of Father of the year! 

So why die to self for our children? Because in doing so we are learning what Christ lived: Service, humility, integrity, and selfless love! 

Sending love to all the mommas out there! 

Such a great quote! I promise I found it after I typed the blog.

True that!
Nothin like the WORD

Thursday, September 5, 2013

On Choices

I love resting in God's presence.  There is no other place where I can be complete and whole!  I love that worship woos us to a tender place of awe and surrender.  I love that when I worship, I get a glimpse of what heaven will be like. My heart longs to attend the biggest night of worship ever!  I love that when I come to Jesus humbled, broken, empty, longing, and desperate, He immediately reaches down and listens to my cries.  

May I encourage us all to choose Jesus first and foremost above everything else. May we recognize how desperate we are without HIM. May we stop fighting, ignoring, and simply disobeying him.  May we truly just choose surrender.    

I know it is the hardest thing ever.  But we need it.  Surrender is for our own good.  Our lives are not our own; remember we were bought with a price.  So why would we try and keep our lives from the one who bought us with His own blood?  I can just see us holding on to it like Gollum repeating my precious!!!  I know...I did this for many years.  Believe me when I say life has been so much more exciting now that I have finally let go.  

So what am I saying?  God is and has been undoubtably speaking to your heart on one issue or another.  Lately for me it has been on laziness and being content in my home.  I have a choice to continue to be lazy and miserable at home, which will affect my husband and children, (OR) I can choose to surrender my will for HIS.  That is it...simply a choice.  So what will you choose?

Love you all,
